Saturday, July 11, 2009

Back from the Motor City

The week in Detroit was awesome! The weather was absolutely gorgeous - cooler in the mornings with low humidity daily. Several times, I had my sweatshirt on. I don't think the temp tipped 80!!! We walked as much as we could outside to enjoy the city and the weather. We did get to ride the People Mover and got to a Hard Rock Cafe for lunch; we walked back to the hotel that day.

There was a lot to do for us - meetings in the morning, afternoon and night. We did not get to bed much for 11, and several times, it was after midnight. Next day, we were up early to get Torrie to her kid camp and us to the meetings.

Torrie and I were in a "Cane Walk" where I was actually taught how to use the cane to walk everywhere - in the hotel, outside, over steps, thru doors (including the circular door you could get stuck in), narrow and wide hallways - it was eye-opening for me. Torrie kept trying to help me by saying "over here mom" but with a blindfold on, I couldn't see her.

We also got to "see" what our kids are seeing. One of the sessions had the visual readers (us) put on goggles to simulate different eye conditions. I got the cataracts given to me - but we didn't know the conditions as we were getting the glasses. I could not see to read - and that was with the goggles on for only about 5 minutes. Her other eye conditions weren't even simulated - and I had problems just with the cataract simulation to get my head in a position to actually SEE the letters. This is what she deals with all the time, along with her other conditions.

Torrie did learn to ride the escalator from a friend who is 14 with albinism and nystagmus (bobbing eyes). Emily and Torrie were inseparable and it was great that the 2 of them bonded so well. The 2 girls went with the other adults from our FL parents division on the People Mover - without us 2 moms. Torrie was soooo excited she said I had to ride "the train." We got to ride and Torrie could not sit still because of the excitement!

Torrie and I did the FULL 5K March on Monday. Torrie was definitely whopped from the walk - but she did it. She was filmed by a TV crew, but with all the other news, the March did not make the TV or newspaper. She may have been the youngest walker. She did get a shirt for the walk and she proudly wore it that Monday and on the plane home.

I have gotten a lot of information that was much needed. It will help to get services for Torrie as she enters kindergarten next year. This year will be the "trial" year where the teacher will have to record what is going on with her. So we will have to wait .... I will be learning Braille and will be teaching Torrie to read Braille with her fingers (not her eyes) so that if the need arises (due to a loss of vision, eye fatigue, headaches, or other physical symptoms from the use of her eyes), she will have Braille.

I did have lunch with 2 cousins and an aunt I have not seen in 30 years! They lived in Detroit and we moved to FL - so we lost touch. We were able to catch up and we will be able to stay in touch. I wish I had had more time to visit with them and see more of Detroit.

I am going to work on a photo collage tomorrow to upload. God opened the French doors for us ... and we walked thru. Now we need to continue that walk with our information to get her services she needs.

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